Health comparison! USA vs Sweden

Health care.
Health care in the United states comes from many different directions. 60 percent of American hospitals are non profit, 20 percent are owned by the goverment and 20 percent are for profit. In a study about life expectany in different countires, USA actually came last. The average American only lives 78 years, which is much less than some other countries citizens. Common diseases in the United states are infant mortality, heart and lung diseases, STDS and disabilites.
USA was the country that put the most money on health care in 2011, but they still have the lowest life expectancy age. And if that's not bad enough, health care is really expensive in America. If you or your kids get sick you get huge bills and you will most likely find youself in a financianal crises when the worst part is over. You don't take anything for granted if you're an American because if you're not rich, getting sick is the the worst thing for your economy. Some people haven't even got afford to get treated in a hospital, so if they get really sick they die. And that's awful. Over 40 million Americans doesn't ever have a health insurance. But even if you're rich, you're not safe. 44-98 thousand Americans die each year because of wrong treatments, surgeries gone wrong and ohter problems in the hospitals. So many people actually die because of their doctors and not their economy or their disease.In another study about health care, USA came second last. Which is really bad for a country with such good resources, hospitals and doctors.
When it comes to tobacoo and alcohol, USA actually isn't the worst. It's not many smokers at all in the United states compared to other countries. 16 percent of American women and 20,5 percent of American men smoke, which is not that much. 53 percent of Americans drink with moderation every month and 7 percent of them are heavy drinkers.
In America there is also something called Obama care (ACA). The point of this was to make it possible for everybody to have a health insurance, and it has. The percent without health insurance in the states sunk from 18 to 13 in a year. Everybodys not very satisfied with this though, some people mean that this is going to haunt the tax payers for decades. They think that ACA is a huge failiure.
In Sweden everything is ruled by the goverment, and so is the health care. Private health care is also avalible in Sweden, but it's not popular. The most people think that they should use their rights as citizens and get their health care for "free". Compared to the Americans life expacancy of 78 years, Swedes live 3 years longer. I think that's because they are more aware of their health, and that they actually care about it. 71 percent of everybody that died 2013 were older than 75 which means that not many young people die in Sweden. The most common cause of death in Sweden is heart and lung disease, which is common in the United states as well.
Only 87 deadly crimes were found in Sweden in 2013, which is extreamly few people.In USA there are so many murders that you can barely count them. So Sweden is much safer to live in when it comes to actually living. In the same study about health care where USA came second last Sweden actually came second first. But when it comes to tobacco and alcohol Sweden is worse. 24 percent of all sweden smoke, and compared to 16-20 percent of Americans Swedes are worse. Neither countries have many smokers, and it decreases every year, but Americans still Smoke less that Swedes.
But who are the healthiest when it comes to alcohol? Americans or Swedes? 10-18 percent of Swedes don't drink at all, but 50 percent drink with moderation. Which is close to the Americans 53 percent. So it's not a big difference there. 8 percent of Swedish women and 15 percent of Swedish men are heavy drinkers, which is much more than USAS 7 percent. So in average Swedes drink and smoke more, but still live longer than Americans.
More than half of all Americans think that eating healthy is more difficult than paying taxes. And that's probably one of the reasons so many Americans are obese. One third to be exact. One third of the American population are so overweight it's dangerous. Many people know that sugars and candy isn't good for you, and that fruits and vegetables are, but they don't know that you should eat everything with moderation. Eating to much diary products, flour, wheat or meat is not good for you either. You will become overweight by eating fried chicken and fries every day, but eating macaroni and cheese everyday isn't better. There are so many people that doesn't even know what a plate should look like. How much meat or fat you should eat every day. Many people also think that cutting all sugar from your diet will make you super healthy, but there are so many more things you should reduce you consumption of too. Only 8 percent of Americans diet seems to include fruits and vegetables, and that is not many people. According to USDAs study an average americans diet consists of 23 % fat and oils, 9 % diary products, 24 % flourproducts, 14 % sugars and 21 % eggs, nuts and meat.
Many studies say the same thing about Swedish diets. It's bad. It's too much sugars and fats and too little fruits and vegetables. But compared to Americans Swedes are super healty. Swedish young women are the ones who have the worst diets in Sweden, and 70 percent of Swedes eat too much salt and 40 percent eat too much sugars. More Swedish people are becoming overweight, but it's still not close to the obesity in America. 14 percent of Swedish men and women are obese, and that's half as many as there are in America. During the last five years the consumption of diary products have reduced and instead Swedes eat more meat.
My conslusion from all of this research is that Swedes are healthier than Americans. Americans smoke and drink less, but that's it. Swedes are healthier in every other category.